Early Morning Noises

Woke up at 3a with lil Mr tapping on my face “drinky please” he said, tap, tap, tap. The cat was standing the front door whining like a high pitch ambulance siren. I stumble down the loft stairs blurry eyed and grumpy, let the cat out, filled up Noah’s sippy cup and climbed up into the loft and layed back down. I rolled over to avoid Noah’s tapping and then noticed it was pouring outside by the sound of the tip, tap,tip, tap on the metal roof that was just a few feet from my head. Try as I might I struggled to get back to sleep, Noah now tapping on my back, the rain seemed to get louder in intensity every seconds as I tossed and turned. Finally I started to drift off then suddenly I was startled by a high pitched MEEEEEEEOOOOW from out side. I thought JEEEESH ! After reflecting back on the abuse poor Josiah had endured from Noah the day before I couldn’t leave him in the rain so I got back up and let him in, grumpy but obedient to my responsibility. I climbed back up into the loft and again the rain sounded as though someone was running up and down my roof with a nail gun, I tossed and turned some more and finally drifted back off to sleep. 4:15a, “Mommy, I’m hungry” “Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom”, the cat curls up on my head. Go back to sleep Noah, I wailed, “but I can’t Mommy, I’m hungry Mom, Mom, Mom… I tried to ignore him but he started tapping me again. I pulled the blankets over my head and tried to hide, and the tears and begging commenced until finally I stomped down the stairs with mr behind me, walked over to the cupboard, grabbed a banana and gave it to him. Then grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch. Noah ate his banana then snuggled up on the couch being all lovey dovey but I did not want to be all lovey dovey I WANTED TO SLEEP. Well we didn’t get back to sleep . Grumpy and not very lovable I finally got off the couch and made my coffee. Grumpy is were I stayed for a good portion of the day. I had plans, it was Saturday, WHY CAN’T I sleep in just ONE day a week ???? I was planning on working on a storage compartment in the stairs but finally threw the towel in after a HUGE melt down at Mardens (not sure who was worse Noah or me) where we walked out with absolutely nothing. So what to do… I could beat myself up for accomplishing NOTHING today or I could look at what I did accomplish. Noah’s sound to sleep and happy in bed after eating leftover pizza and cold chicken burgers for supper. My house is a wreck, my dishes are not done but guess what WE MADE IT !!! YEAH ME !! I thought about pouring a glass of wine but that would mean washing a glass NOT THIS GIRL , NOT TONIGHT. Gonna be good to myself and start over again tomorrow, let go and let God.

Good Night All !!!

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